Special processes are processes that cannot be easily or economically verified for compliance with quality requirements without destructive testing.
Special processes include welding, painting and bonding.
Quality managment in special processes
At the client’s request, we develop a detailed program of the QMSP process introduced in the form of instructions, procedures or regulations, train all staff, conduct audits, supervision.
The program must include information on the entire process (End to End), in particular responsibilities, authorizations, approvals, exact description and flow of the following activities and operations, e.g.:
•Instructions for introduction of new chemicals
•Instruction for handling chemical materials
•Instruction for defining and approving new solutions around special processes
•certification of process conformity to EN 17460,
•engineering supervision of bonding processes (EAE),
•specialized technical support (EAS),
•bonding project management,
•training of production staff, supervisors, designers and support functions,
•verification/technical review of orders,
•design and definition of the product and bonding process as well as implementation of solutions in production,
•optimization of the bonding process with a view to reducing costs, increasing process efficiency,
•carrying out adhesive bond tests, proofs and calculations,
•support in solving and closing complaints, internal and subcontractor audits of the bonding process.

•planning, implementation and maintenance of paint and coating systems that protect surfaces against corrosion and/or have a decorative function on the product,
•surface preparation as a critical element for ensuring adhesion and durability of the coating,
•selection of the paint system as a key element in ensuring long-term protection against corrosion,
•quality management and preparation of a verification plan,
•management of painting and corrosion protection projects,
•compliance with relevant industry regulations, environmental guidelines and health and safety standards,
•training of production staff, painters, designers, process engineers and support functions,
•optimization of painting processes in order to reduce costs, increase process efficiency,
•performing tests on paint systems,
•support in resolving and closing complaints, conducting internal and subcontract audits of the painting process.

•management of welding processes to meet standards and norms, compliance with quality objectives and ensuring health and safety,
•engineering supervision of welding processes,
•preparation of Welding Technology Specifications (WPS),providing guidance for welder qualification, developing the welder qualification process, checking welders’ skills and knowledge of specific welding procedures,
•performing welding inspections and quality control,
•designing and defining products and processes, implementing solutions in production,
•optimization of welding processes to reduce costs, increase process efficiency,
•support in solving and closing complaints,
•performing internal audits of the welding process, performing audits of the welding process of subcontractors.